citrus college canvas login

Please note: The above is a lot, I know, given that you are also working on your research paper, but if you budget your time carefully and work at the projects a bit each day, you'll find you have enough time.

If I experience any difficulties in this course, I will contact [Professor_______] immediately. No Available Tasks . I understand the meaning and consequences of an FW grade. ); then click on the link at the top of the page entitled "Create Thread"; then enter your paragraph in the box that appears; finally, click the "Submit" button.

I understand that there are no make-ups and I understand the attendance policy for this class. We offer a broad array of opportunities to help you reach your educational goals. The computers are located in the Citrus College library and the main computer lab (IS107).

If you plan on no longer taking the course, please make sure to officially withdraw from the course before the deadline either online or at the admissions office. It also moves you beyond any predictable, pre-packaged answers you may have in mind. Log in to Canvas at this location (do not Google Canvas, because you need to enter via a Citrus College-provided link):, When you are prompted for the username and password, use the first part of your email (before the @ sign) for your username and use your Citrus email password as the Canvas password. Each exam is worth 100 points (300 total points).

Enter your College ID Number and we'll send you a link to change your password. The penalty for plagiarism is an immediate F for the semester, no exceptions. Knowing all that will be required from the start will help you plan and succeed. If you do not receive a return email from me within 48 hours, however, please follow up with another e-mail since there may be technical issues preventing transmission. Always you can trust Larkin to tell the truth, emotionally; in person, if he didn't feel something, he stayed quiet.

If that describes in any way your own thoughts and feelings, please let go of them for this class.

At the start of each week I will post on the Announcements page more details along with a question or two to respond to on the Discussion page.

There are three exams in all – covering poetry, then short fiction, then drama (as the final exam.) For your weekly assignments, due dates, and exam dates, consult the schedule attached to the end of this syllabus. The emphasis is upon the analysis of issues, problems, and situations represented in fiction, drama, and poetry, and on the development of effective written arguments in support of the analysis. Forgot Password? After students have completed this course, they should realize the following: During the first week of class please complete and e-mail me as an attachment the following (my e-mail: I, ________________________________, have read the student and teacher expectations. Fall 2020 registration appointments will be available beginning June 22, 2020. 1 My Library Account; 1 Network; 2 Online Education; 2 Passwords; 2 Photo ID; 1 Reference; 4 Reserves; 1 Scanners; 1 Student Employment; 1 Voter registration; Answered By: Reference Technician. Examinations = 100 points x 3 = 300 points, Weekly Discussion = 15 points x 10 = 150 points (based on thoroughness and clarity). I will be responsible for my participation on Blackboard, and completion of the assignments for this class.

Post your entry on the Discussion Board as follows: Click on the week of the Discussion Board you are responding to (Week 1, Week 2, etc. Assignments must be e-mailed me (either as an attachment – MS Word only – or directly in the body of your email). Instead, I expect each of you to play an active role.

“Through the entry of my username and password, I affirm I am the student who enrolled in the course. Student parking permits are available online. To know your answers is to know something of what you understand about its purpose and scope.

These should be thoughtful and probing contributions that go beyond the obvious and that will provoke your peers to become engaged. It is my desire to respond quickly to your attempts to contact me and make communication between us as timely and convenient as possible. I look forward to working with you throughout your study. Let loose with your claims, your thoughts, but always remember that “saying so doesn’t make it so.” In other words, in my classes any claim or position is acceptable but only if you can back it up with evidence, and in this class, the evidence comes from the texts we are studying. (Please see the following pages for the assignments). All Tasks that were previously found in this Task Center have expired or been removed. Note: Credit will be given only for original work.

Login Dashboard. The sociologist Verlyn Klinkenborg has written much about the culture of "polite, self-negating silence". Successful online students must also be able to: •  Read and follow directions on a website.

“I wandered lonely as a cloud” (William Wordsworth, 705), “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent” (John Milton, 935, 931-2), “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” (Dylan Thomas, 922), Figurative Language (834-5, 837-9, 848-54, A5-A6), “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (T. S. Eliot, 1110-13). Citrus has assigned you your own e-mail address. Dashboard. Students will receive a failing grade on the final if the exam is missed. On your very first login to this area, you will use your birth date - MMDDYY (example: April 30, 1988, enter … After all, Larkin is "at one" with the poem; he is speaking as an insider for he lived through this, emotionally, and he wrote it. Each week post on the Discussion Board an insightful statement or observation or question about the week’s reading assignments.

The “Thread” button should only be used for your main entry/response.

By completing these assignments, I know that you are actively engaged in this class.

Within this mix you’ll find my contributions most days as we try to establish online what Joyce Carol Oates calls “sustained, collective concentration.”. Citrus College Hayden Library. To earn discussion board credit, you must post both your question and a reply to another student’s question no later than Sunday or announced day if different) 11:59pm. Failure to respond to my e-mail within 24 hours with an acceptable explanation may result in you either being dropped from the class or being awarded an “FW” grade at the end of the term. Make-up exams are discouraged and will only be given in the event of illness or exigent circumstances.

Exams will consist of essay questions. Enter a new application or return to complete an application, for new and former students only. 6, When you are prompted for the username and password, use the first part of your email (before the @ sign) for your username and use your Citrus email password as the Canvas password. Also, as I like to remind DE students all through the semester, overall you have at least an extra 60 hours of free time given that you aren't having to drive back and forth from campus and aren't attending three or more hours of class each week.

It's quite revealing to hear a poet read his own work. Remember me on this computer Enter your Citrus College Network Login as your username. To add some comments, click the "Edit" link at the top. There are computer labs on campus that are available to Citrus College students. For more information visit,,

Course web: (CANVAS) ... As a distance education student you will need access to a computer, the Internet, and a CITRUS COLLEGE e-mail account. Right away this question lets you know that I am not looking for passive vessels merely taking up space and expecting to be filled with facts. The class will require a significant time commitment on your part. You do not need permission from me to do so. Composition and Critical Thinking (English 103), Office Hours: MW 7:30-8:00am and 11:30am-1:00pm, TuTh 7:30-8:00am and 11:30-12:45pm (or by appointment), E-mail (preferable):, Course web: (CANVAS), Required text: The Norton Introduction to Literature: Shorter 12th Edition (e-book also, Recommended text: MLA Guide to the Research Paper (8th edition).

View course information, including course description. Apply for Admission - New and Former Students Only, How to Apply and Register - WingSpan Handbook.

If a student makes such comments, he or she will be removed from participation and points will be deducted from his or her grade. Use Internet Explorer.

I may revise the syllabus as deemed necessary or appropriate. However, do not assume that if you fail to complete two consecutive weekly assignments that you will automatically be dropped from the class. Citrus has assigned you your own e-mail address.   In this distance education class I require that students log into Canvas and complete weekly online assignments.

View your Summer 2020 registration appointment now. I also understand the importance of participation in a DE class, having my textbooks and materials.

If any of these sites are not accessible to you, please notify me and I will assign an alternate accessible assignment/project.

No make-up exam is allowed for the Final Exam. Your Discussion Board comments are available for all students to read and comment on.

(3) What will you bring to this experience? Thank you for considering Citrus College.

If you do not know how to operate your Citrus e-mail or how to set it up, then please contact technical services: 626-914-8810.

A temporary parking permit can be printed and used until the permanent permit is received in the mail. Student parking permits are available online.

(5) Identify the title and author of one book – any book – that has had a significant impact upon your thinking, and explain why.

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Click here for updated email account information.

STUDENT EMAIL UPDATE: Click here for updated email account information. As part of this week's study, be sure to listen to the poet himself, Philip Larkin, as he reads his poem, "Church Going." He never wasted words, never spoke anything but the truth.

The Norton Introduction to Literature: Shorter 12. WEEKLY DISCUSSION BOARD   (150 points – 10 points per week). The computers are located in the Citrus College library and the main computer lab (IS107). Any use of outside sources, including the Internet, must be documented. You are ultimately responsible for making sure that the college has recorded your status as dropped so you do not receive an “F” in the course.

Your User ID Number is your nine-digit Citrus ID Number (example: CC1234567 or A00123456) Please note: ID is Case Sensitive.

Students are also encouraged to take full advantage of our Writing Center on campus.

You can add any other comments, notes, or thoughts you have about the course

Log in to WingSpan – for registration, financial aid, enrollment, paying fees, viewing grades and more.

It is a student’s responsibility to confirm with a transfer institution whether academic renewal will be accepted. If you wish to drop the class, it is your responsibility to officially withdraw by the deadline. structure, course policies or anything else. Failure to abide by the regulations may result in disciplinary action up to expulsion from the college.”. Introduction to Poetry (698-702, 712-19, 727), “Richard Cory” (Edward Arlington Robinson, 703), “Because I could not stop for Death” (Emily Dickinson, 839), “Church Going” (Philip Larkin, 909-10, 911, 914-17).


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